Hi friends,
Welcome to this month’s Three Things Thursday where I share with you 3 monthly favorites that I’ve been loving lately and give you a scoop about why I’ve been loving them. Missed the last Three Things Thursday? Check it out here.
1. iPhone 6s in Rose Gold: Apple
YOU GUYS! This past month I finally upgraded my phone and became tech-relevant again. This phone is definitely my #1 favorite thing of this month, and probably this year. But since I was making a purchase that was super expensive and super breakable, I also decided to invest in an awesome case. I ended up purchasing the Mophie Juice Pack Air which, not only protects it, but has a back up battery built into it! So when I’m at work
browsing social media doing important work stuff and my phone runs low on battery, I don’t have to worry about if I have my charger with me or not!
2. Live Lokai Classic Bracelet: Lokai
I have literally wanted one of these bracelets for years, and this month I finally purchased it. If you aren’t familiar with the Live Lokai bracelets, not only are they super trendy but they also have a great message about life balance to go along with it. In the black bead there is mud from the dead sea, so that when you’re at your lowest point you remember to remain hopeful. In the white bead there is water from Mount Everest, so that when you feel like you’re at the top of the world you remember to stay humble. The clear beads represent the cycle of life and that we all need to go on a journey to find our balance.
So I was driving home late one night after having dinner with friends and I turned on the radio. I caught the end of the DJ’s joke that they told and then they played this song. AND IT MOVED ME. I quick whipped out my phone (I was still parked, don’t text and drive, friends), opened my SoundCloud app, and figured out who sang this song so I could download it when I got home. So why did this song affect me so? Well if you know me, you know that I love any and all things Peter Pan. It’s my favorite book, favorite movie, favorite everything, really. And this song is all about Peter Pan, and flying off to Neverland with him, and becoming one of the lost boys. Which is basically my fantasy… And it’s so relaxing, peaceful, and beautifully written. If you haven’t heard it yet on the radio, go listen now!
What are some things you’ve been lovely lately? Let me know below!
I just heard that Lost Boy song this week too – randomly on Spotify! I loved it, and had the same reaction as you – what is this? who is singing this? :) I also love your iphone – so pretty!
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