Well hey there, thanks for stopping by! Grab a cup of tea, find a comfy spot on the couch, and stay a while!
The first 12 years of my life were pretty uneventful; I lived in the same house, went to the same school since pre-K, and took the same adventures over and over (aka, a walk to my local park with my dog, Tec). But then in September of 2003, my father decided to join the Navy and become a Chaplain. Oh, and we moved to Yokosuka, Japan.

It’s normal for people to fall asleep on the trains in Japan, so please, no judging the preteen versions of me and my friends. Or the random Japanese gentleman. ;)
Living overseas was the greatest experience I could’ve asked for. I was introduced to an entirely new culture and way of life and was able to make memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. But most importantly, I discovered a love (more like an obsession) for design. Any kind of design. I found myself doodling sketches in any notebook I had of fashion ideas, ways to decorate my room, and anything / everything that inspired me. While it was a great creative outlet for years, I never really thought seriously about it.
We moved back to the states 2 years later and we seemed to pick up right where we left off. Before I knew it I was a sophomore and thinking about college and what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I had a love for science, especially anatomy, and for the longest time the only thing I wanted to study was forensic pathology. The more I researched it, the more I thought, “This is it, this is my destiny.”
Junior year began and I couldn’t wait to start researching universities that carried my major. My highschool required that you take a language class for 2 years so I began taking French. My French teacher, who is just an overall amazing person, really made the learning process fun! She gave us an assignment that would help us identify everyday objects in French in which we had to draw a room and label everything in it. Easy assignment right? Well, I’m a bit of an over achiever.
I remembered the sketches I used to create and decided to do this assignment in the same style. And after I turned it in I sketched another. And another. And another. And another.
Eventually I had an entire binder full of sketches. I loved being able to create environments that were so vastly different from reality. If I wanted a bright purple wall in my room, but painting wasn’t an option, I’d create a room that showcased an accent wall. If I saw a designer brand sofa online, but there would be no way of me affording it, I’d create a living room that included it. It soon became a time consuming hobby and I began seriously questioning if this is what I should be doing the rest of my life. I researched schools’ majors, what type of jobs the field had, and made my decision. I was going to be an interior designer.
Needless to say my parents were quite shocked at the change from scientist to artist, but they were 100% supportive. I chose to apply to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh and received early acceptance the end of my junior year. It was a real blessing because while all of my friends were stressing over whether they got into their dream school or not, my future was set. I graduated as valedictorian in June 2010 and just a month later I was moving down to the ‘Burgh to start school!

Yes, we had a T-Rex in front of our school. Yes, he liked to play dress up. Yes, it’s quite alright for you to be insanely jealous.
The 3 years at AIP flew by and before I knew it I was graduating! I had my degree in interior design, now what do I do with it? I began the job hunt and soon landed 2 part time jobs in my field. The first was a designer at a small home decor store and the second was as a 3D draftsman for a lumber company. Neither were exactly what I dreamt of doing, but I was very thankful to support myself right out of school. A couple of months passed and I had an opportunity to apply for a junior designer position at a high end residential / commercial firm. And I got the job!
Now I’m working full time in my dream job and creating inspiring environments for my clients. But as much as I love what I’m doing in my work life, I want to inspire others in my personal life too; That’s the purpose for this website. I want to share anything and everything that inspires me; beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and most importantly interior design. This is the story of my life and I invite you all to join me in my adventures!