Hi friends,
Well, it may not be the official 1st day of summer (it’s in 2 weeks, on June 20th, btw) but I’m pretty sure everyone is in a summertime mood by now. The youths are out of school, the weather is finally something other than snow, and it’s the perfect time for new and exciting things to take place.
Speaking of new and exciting things, this summer something HUGE is taking place in my life. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you……yet. But as soon as I can, yinz will be some of the first to know!
I can let you know that it’s a massive life event and lifestyle change. So massive in fact that I’m going to take the majority of the summer off from blogging and really, really focus on it. I know, super disappointing. I’ll still be hosting the Merry Monday link party every week and will still be participating in the monthly thrift store upcycle challenge. I’m also working on a new series called Fox Den Features where I hope to showcase different bloggers through an interview and a guest post. If you’re interested in participating, I’d love to have you!
Because I won’t be posting as often and I won’t be as active on here, I’m really taking this summer as an opportunity to making my blog the best blog it can be. As I was writing down all of the things I wanted to accomplish blog-wise this summer, I thought that these goals could be applied to anyone with a blog. So if you have some free time this summer, try something new for your blog!
1. Research
I know I can’t be the only one who has hoards of articles pinned somewhere that they have every intention of reading but haven’t yet. Well now is the perfect time to dive on in. You may want to focus on how to drive traffic to your blog, how to perfect your photography skills, or what kind of resources are out there for bloggers. For the latter, check out this list from my bestie, Lindsay!
2. Redesign Your Blog Layout / Brand
This is a HUGE task for me this summer. I’ve been working on it for a couple months now to get it just right and partnering with my best friend, Ayla (who’s an amazing web designer) to get the layout exactly how I want. Your blog should be a reflection of who you are and I am so excited to reveal mine soon!
3. Market Yourself
In addition to redesigning my blog, I’ve been working on creating new business cards that have the same aesthetic. Having business cards for your blog makes it 10x more professional and it’s great when you’re talking to a stranger and you can whip one out.
4. Monetize Your Blog
I’m part of a couple affiliate programs and that’s been great to bring some extra income every now and then, but I really would love for this blog to be a dependent source of income for me. I’m super inspired by Abby at Just a Girl and Her Blog (a fellow Pittsburgh-er!), especially when she and her husband Donnie release their monthly income reports. Ugh, can they just mentor me, please?! ;)
5. Attend a Blogging Conference
Ok, so this one may not be 1. feasible for everyone and 2. something that they even want to do. But I have been wanting to attend the Haven Blogging Conference ever since I’ve heard of it and I’m trying soooo hard to make my dream a reality. But if everything works out the way I hope it will, I know it’s going to be a great adventure and an awesome opportunity to meet friends, meet brands, and take my blog to the next level.
6. Invest in a Course / Product / Resource
This past year I’ve purchased a couple e-books and blogging courses, and they have been soooooo worth it. Last year I purchased a DSLR camera to help improve my photos, but now I want to hone my photography skills. Aniko from Place of My Taste released an e-book this year that’s allllllll about photography for bloggers and I have been dying to read it. If you have the financial ability, buy a course or an e-book! Your blog will thank you.
7. Experiment
I already mentioned above that I’m going to be starting new series to showcase other bloggers to you guys, and that’s an experiment in and of itself. I have no idea if it will be as successful as I hope it will be. It may be a total flop. But I’ll never know unless I try. Maybe you’re a beauty blogger but you love to cook. Maybe you’ve always wanted to start a YouTube channel. Now it the perfect time to try new things!
8. Become a Social Media Mogul
Summer is a perfect time for social media. Are you going on vacation? Share it with your readers! Hosting a garage sale? Share it with your readers! I, personally, love seeing behind the scenes and a glimpse into real life. Just like goal #7, experiment!
9. Make Friends
Be interactive! Whether it be on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever. If someone comments, comment back. Comment on other people’s post. This is something I really want to work on for my own social media and blog. I’m super bad at replying to blog comments and want to be muuuuuch better at it. Working on it!
10. Have Fun!
Honestly, summertime is all about having fun. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing something wrong. ;)
Welp, that’s all folks! For now anyways. You’ll still see me around the interwebs every so often, but I will be back to regular posting in the fall!
What are your blog goals for the summer?
Its great to have a plan and rethink some of your blog goals. In the last 2 weeks I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone a created a You Tube channel and stepped in front of the camera.
Next step will be point 8 Social Media mogul, I’m going to focus on Instagram!
Good luck with your huge life event – sounds exciting.
Popping over from the Cooking and Crafting with J & J linky
Great goals! I have to set a few for my blog as well. I think my big one is getting a new theme. I’m using a free one and I think my blog could look better. Good luck on accomplishing your goals and have a great summer! Found your post at Wonderful Wednesday
Nicole | The Professional Mom Project recently posted…Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free Oh My!
Great ideas you have here! :) I think I need to accomplish a few too!
Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
Jess recently posted…Create Your Own Backyard Fire Pit
Great goals! I, for one, am taking a Twitter pro class. Your reminder of all those “how to” pins I’ve never truly read is a big help – I have a bunch of them1
Sinea ♥
Ducks n a Row recently posted…How To Make A Tornado In A Bottle