Hi friends,
We’re taking a break from Fox Den Features this week to bring you a special announcement!
Oh. My. Gosh. You guys, I am SUPER pumped for today’s post! For 2 reasons.
Number 1: I can cross 1 thing off my summer blog-to do list. Look at my new, beautiful blog redesign! Look at it, look at it, look at it! Ah, I’m completely obsessed. It’s not 100% done yet, so be sure to stop by next week to see the complete and final product!
Ok, time for the main reason I’m so stoked.
Number 2: I am so excited to finally be able to let you know what’s been going on in my life and why I’ve been a bit distant from the blog and my social media this summer. Now that I’ve told my immediate family, I can tell you guys too! Ok, ready for it? I’m changing careers and moving to a different city!
Note how I didn’t say “new”. It’s not new to me at all. It’s also not super different. Different from Pittsburgh, yes, but it’s not like I’m going to be wandering around lost for months on end. I’m moving back up to my hometown of Erie!
Surprised? Yeah, a bunch of people have been too. Pittsburgh’s been a fantastic place to live for the past 6 years and I will still always be in love with this city and bleed black and gold. Pittsburgh’s where I honed my craft of design, graduated from college, worked on amazing projects with amazing clients, met some of my bestest friends in the whole wide world, and, of course, purchased my first home.
So, what will I be doing up in Erie? Glad you asked! Like I said above, I’m completely changing careers. I’ve been in the interior design field for 3 years now and it is my absolute passion. But I’ve found that it isn’t my only passion. The main aspect of the job that’s the thing that keeps be doing what I do is creativity. Unfortunately, in the jobs that I’ve held in this field so far, my creativity has always been a bit stifled.
I needed to find a job that would allow me to work in an artistic setting, but also used my creativity and valued it. So after many, many nights of thoughts and prayers, I accepted the role of a K-12 Art Teacher at a private school.
If you had told me 6 years ago that I’d be returning from Pittsburgh to work in Erie as a teacher, I would probably laugh in your face. Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for teachers (Mama Fox is a teacher!), I just never thought it was for me. But now that this opportunity has presented itself, I can honestly say that I’ve never been more excited to start a job!
In a world where most schools are cutting their art programs, the school that I’ll be working for wants to improve them and make it a driving factor of why they’re so unique. As someone who was more of an artsy kid in school, this is something that I can absolutely support and promote.
This was the absolute hardest secret to keep from you guys, but I’m so happy that you finally know! So yes, THAT is why I’ve been so distant lately. My life is getting completely turned upside down, but I couldn’t be more excited to take this adventure.
Omgee! That’s so awesome! How fun to be moving back home AND to be teaching art. Congrats!
Erlene A recently posted…Merry Monday Link Party #113
Congrats on the new job!! Sometimes I wish I had been an art teacher, but then again I kinda am, lol. Good luck!
Kim #merrymonday
Kim~madeinaday recently posted…Merry Monday Linky Party #113